THE '90' NOW PARTY SEPTEMBER 9TH is a sonic exploration of 'the Golden Era' of Hip Hop and all the great music we love. its The Best of Then & Now. This & That...All Night Long. This Month's the line-up includes: THE AHFICIONADOS: Freize aka 'the birthday boy Frei' Prof. Bing Notty 'Reg-Stuy' aka Reg Wyns DJ Eleven (of THE RUB) DJ POT DJ KJ Butta $5.00 List Requires you to ADD The Daily Regimen + the Ahficionados on Facebook. RSVP @ Birthday Parties Welcome! PARTY INFO. PLEASE CLICK HERE DOWNLOAD 90'S REGGAE MIX HERE CLICK TO DOWNLOAD IF FIRST LINK DON'T WORK THE '90' NOW PARTY SAMPLE MIX by DJPOT