Excerpts from classified command post logs...: Since the Golden Years of Hip Hop , Hip Hop Leaders gave in to corporate money and has turned over the handling of Hip Hop to the World Government (aka the “Industry”) turning a blind eye towards the Art form that made this Culture GREAT. “Hip Hop consumers aren’t evil, just uninformed!” Six years after the Golden Years of Hip Hop , the Imperial Confederacy destroyed the Hip Hop Federation. The remaining federation forces were driven to different parts of the world. The confederate forces has turned the Hip Hop Art form into minstrel shows to entertain and take money from the misled, the misinformed, and the uniformed. Hip Hop has not evolved; rather, Hip-Hop transcended into garbage. The “Industry” confederate forces inaccurately dictate what Hip Hop is. The “Industry” confederate forces intentionally misinform and persuade the novice to tune int...