SUBMIT MUSIC #EveryThingIndie Vol. 4

What is #EveryThingIndie? #EveryThingIndie is a CD series that is designed to give the unsigned artist a place to be heard. Please subscribe to the #EveryThingIndie #Facebook page for CD updates and show opportunities <<< CLICK HERE >>> As a DJ, I have always been a fan of the so called underground artist. I don't call them underground I call them Artist that has not been heard yet. I don't charge to be on the CD series. PLEASE SEND MP3 FILES DO NOT SEND LINKS Please submit music to please put "#EveryThingIndie Vol. 4" in the subject line If you can record a EveryThingIndie drop for the CD please submit it with your song. Make sure you tag your MP3 the correct way (Artist and Track Name) The CD is sponsored by Coast 2 Coast Mixtape DJ's Stable Musik Group Music Info. Group Huntit Karats To all the artist that will be placed on the CD, will get the opportunity to perform at one of New York City hott...