2 Events & 2 Different States

Hello How are you? Thanksgiving Eve November 25 : I will be joining #TheCollegeHangOut for a Pre Thanksgiving Celebration in Philly @ #SouthBeachPhilly on 112 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, PA Age: 21 & Over Doors Open 9pm Door Charge On Saturday, December 5th I will be joining Angel Perez in Angel Perez Presents "The Gift of Networking" Come support local business that are located in the DMV area. There will be a DJ (DJPOT) Free Food (Papi Cuisine) Free Wine Free Sweets Door Prizes 21 & Over 1pm - 5pm 407 E. Saratoga Street Baltimore, MD 21202 for tickets contact CeeCee @443-415-1699 or Me 718-791-2849 You can also meet and greet my hosts Buffie The Beauty (Picture Below), Angel Preze and Raeyn Jones